Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Store Tupperware in Your Kitchen

This is my first post in a while. I had a forced sabbatical when I broke my wrist and couldn't type. Come to think of it, I couldn't cook either, and had to rely on my husband for all nourishment. He could write his memoirs on how he came to appreciate Tupperware! All is on the mend now so back to work!

I often get questions on how to store a growing collection of useful Tupperware items, and people handle it in different ways.

I was invited over to a customer's house this week to see her kitchen renovation because she wanted to show me her solution. It was just what we all need... two large drawers that allow containers to be stacked inside each other. I thought you might like to take a peek to give you some ideas for yourself. She also added a couple of Tupperware Micro Fiber Kitchen Towels and Chefs Towels for a splash of colour. Her kitchen is spectacular! Thanks for the tour Mia!